Health and Human Services Mobile Solutions that Bridge Form and Function

From social media to task management tools, we’ve seen native mobile applications which leverage existing device capabilities revolutionize the way we live, work, and interact with the world. Mobile devices have become ubiquitous. Currently, more than 88% of the US population owns a smartphone. By building upon the features already present in these devices for Health and Human Services, technology can impact operations and create a more streamlined, stress-free experience for its users. Additionally, native mobile technology is cost-effective, eliminating the need for specialized hardware beyond the mobile device, reducing user-training time, and allowing for faster speed-to-value. It’s a no-brainer. This kind of technology is the bridge between form and function, providing both to create a new approach to service delivery. It is the newest, most innovative technology, made practical to achieve the highest impact.  

At Diona, our solutions are built to help Health and Human Services organizations serve people better while improving how their employees work and collaborate to achieve better social outcomes. Our goal is to offer new options for efficiency, insight, and collaboration. To do that, we’ve created native mobile solutions to impact all corners of HHS service delivery. The impact of Diona’s technology starts on a granular level, with specific features that mirror the daily experience of using mobile devices, such as photo and video capturing, push notifications, on-the-go access, and more.  

Systems of Engagement for Clients 

Clients of HHS programs are often already navigating complex circumstances. They may have hectic and inconsistent daily schedules, they may be struggling financially, or have turbulent family lives, making it challenging for them to stay engaged with program requirements. Diona Self Service leverages the mobile capabilities that many clients are already comfortable using for form submission, accessing case information, and appointment management.  

While Diona leverages native mobile capabilities, we take that a step further to provide purpose-built features and design that specifically support HHS programs and practice. For example, Diona Self Service is equipped to send notifications, much like other mobile apps, but with consideration of engaging clients for improved service delivery and to ensure they are on top of their program obligations. Anytime, anywhere access means that clients can easily access information about their benefits, make payments, and stay on top of scheduled appointments or renewal requirements. 

Historically, managing client engagement was largely a manual process with paper forms and lengthy phone calls. Diona systems of engagement are game changers from both a client experience and service delivery standpoint. Using purpose-built technology allows organizations to meet clients where they are and ensures seamless administrative communication, ultimately, improving outcomes.  

Systems of Engagement for Workers 

We extend these same concepts to Diona solutions designed for workers. Many of us utilize mobile devices throughout our daily life; equally as much while on-the-go, at home, or at work. The most critical parts of casework are conducted in the field, face-to-face with clients. Diona solutions, such as Diona Visits and Diona Investigations, allow workers to take the work that was traditionally done at a desktop computer in the office, into the field. Whether performing an assessment or updating a case plan, Diona solutions support the people and the processes. Diona solutions tap into the capabilities we are accustomed to in our daily lives, to improve adoption, while also providing person-centered design that supports the mission-critical work of HHS.  

Diona solutions offer online and offline capabilities to ensure that workers have access to the information they need and that newly collected information is saved in real-time. These features of the Diona solutions help to reduce the time that workers have to spend in the office, increase capacity, and offer relief for workers that were previously on the verge of burning out, all by leveraging and extending the Diona solutions on their mobile devices.  

Multimedia note taking allows workers to capture a clearer picture of each client’s unique situation, supplemented with photos, videos, and voice recordings. This richer perspective ensures that as clients move through the system, caseworkers are making the most informed decisions and communicating an accurate portrayal of client circumstances.  

Organizational Value 

At the organization level, the advantages of purpose-built systems of engagement are seen in the impact on operations and regulatory compliance. From data quality and timeliness, to reduced error rates, expedited eligibility or improved program performance – it is that marriage of form and function that maximizes impact. Indicators of program excellence achieved through enhanced client and worker experiences translate into increased capacity, improved compliance, and improved outcomes for clients and communities.  

Ultimately, it is the thoughtful integration of user-centered design, case-based device capabilities and adherence to mobile operating system design standards which offer an intuitive experience for clients and for workers.  With intention and commitment to the mission, Diona solutions align with the core purpose of HHS programs to revolutionize how organizations operate and improve the lives of both clients and caseworkers.  

To learn more about Diona’s solutions, visit our website! 


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