Arizona Department of Child Safety
“Mobile First” Innovations for 20-year-old SACWIS Improve Productivity, Efficiency of Caseworkers
The Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) took an innovative approach to digital transformation by deploying a “mobile first” strategy, allowing more than 1,400 caseworkers to adopt current mobile technology into their practice today and access real-time data and information in the field, despite the limitations of its SACWIS. By implementing Diona Visits and Diona Investigations, DCS achieved seven significant benefits:
Increased Field Access to SACWIS to 100%
Improved Caseworker Efficiency by 20%
Increased Time Spent with Children and Families
Enhanced Service Quality and Case Outcomes
Improved Data Quality
Saved $18.7 Million Annually in Departmental Costs (Projected)
Implemented Complete Solution in Only 8 Months
To learn more about Diona Visits and Diona Investigations and how Diona is working with the Arizona Department of Child Safety please click the link below to request a demo.
Get the Arizona Department of Child Safety Case Study
News article
Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) Receives ISM 2018 Award for Mobile Solution
Congratulations to Arizona DCS for receiving the APHSA ISM 2018 Award for Excellence in Human Services IT - Best Use of Technology for Operations. Using Diona solutions, DCS implemented mobile technology innovations into its case management system to extend its capabilities and reduce its reliance on paper files.
News article
Arizona Department of Child Safety Empowers Caseworkers with Diona
Diona, a global provider of enterprise mobility software for government health and human services organizations, today announced the results of its CIO 100 award-winning work with the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) to integrate Diona Mobility into its case management system.
News article
Arizona Department of Child Safety Receives CIO 100 Award
May 2018, IDG's CIO has awarded The Arizona Department of Child Safety a CIO 100 Award for implementing mobile technology into its case management system using Diona solutions.
News article
Arizona Department of Child Safety Going Mobile
May 2017, AZ DCS announced their mobile initiative and, after a competitive selection process, chose Diona to implement mobile applications for AZ Department of Child Safety Case Managers.
Read More about Arizona DCS going Mobile →