Clark County Department of Family Services
The Clark County Department of Family Services chose Diona solutions for mobilizing their workforce and providing self-service capabilities to their clients.
Living with a State managed case management system running on a legacy mainframe meant workers had to be at their desks, connected to the County network in order access their case files. Diona solutions enabled caseworkers and investigators to access their files in the field. Using Diona Visits for ongoing case work, caseworkers can plan their day, review case notes, and complete notes, forms and signatures while in the field. Diona Investigations is available for investigators who use it to complete assessments and investigate allegations of abuse in the field with all their data in the palm of their hands. Diona Placement Finder is implemented with the research based Every Child A Priority (ECAP) matching algorithm to streamline and improve the placement of Clark County’s most vulnerable children in appropriate care.
Clark County also implemented Diona Uploads to enable Clark County clients to upload verification and evidence documents using their mobile devices without having to travel to a government office or requiring a caseworker to travel to them. Clark County Uploads is available on the Apple App and Google Play stores.
To learn more about how Diona is working with the Clark County Department of Family Services please click the link below to request a demo.