North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) manages the delivery of health and human-related services for all North Carolinians, especially children, the elderly, disabled and low-income families.
Diona worked with DHHS to implement a solution based on Diona Investigations as part of the wider NC Families Accessing Services through Technology (NC FAST) initiative. The implemented solution provides County child protective investigators with the ability to leverage mobile devices to conduct and complete assessments, forms and interviews while interacting with children and families in the field.
The mobile solution is helping improve the way DHHS and the County Departments of Social Services serve families by enabling staff with new technology tools and business processes that reduce time spent on performing administrative tasks and increase time spent with families.
To learn more about Diona Investigations and how Diona is working with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services please click the link below to request a demo.